Systems Transition In Business Can Be Easy
Having been involved in transition and change management for 20+ years I’ve witnessed every conceiveable excuse for why NOT to transition to new systems and business direction. The angle of approach for so many businesses around transition usually goes something...
RTO Tip – A Commercial Focus On Course Diversity
In the new Post COVID-19 vocational & corporate training realm we will see more diversity in the way training is delivered. Functionality such as Virtual Classroom may become mainstays in the delivery mix for Australian RTO’s and other training...
SERIOUSLY Flexible Course Delivery!
For Australian RTO businesses COVID-19 has taught us about the need for a flexible and dynamic approach to training delivery whilst maintaining compliance reporting needs. With Vasto’s LMS you get the best of both worlds of granular results data (to the...
Vasto Tutorial Videos
View a snapshot of Vasto’s video tutorials Use the left & right arrows below to select from these topics then click to view. Click HERE to View Videos Virtual Classroom Student Portal Assessor Portal Trainer Portal Website Integration RPL Manager eLearning Exam...
ASQA Update. Distance Learning Information.
ASQA update. Distance learning Information for VET providers on how to stay compliant when adopting distance learning options. To all Australian RTO’s. Learn how Vasto meets and exceeds requirements for both the Learning (LMS) and Compliance (SMS) elements....LMS LTI Integrations Released
With the combined power of both external LTI tools and Vasto’s LMS you can maximise your students learning experience.
ASQA Guidelines – Virtual Classroom
Case study—Ensuring authenticity in online assessment For the full version “Conduct Effective Assessment” visit the source here: https://www.asqa.gov.au/standards/training-assessment/clauses-1.8-to-1.12 Your Mac Training is an RTO that provides training...
Is your website fully integrated with Vasto?
Did you know there are 3 integrations available as standard in Vasto? Did you know you can design and deploy your own website integration widgets with Vasto? It’s easy whwn you manage your own site, or simply send the code to your web-manager to apply it....
New Release – Virtual Classrooms
New Virtual Classroom, Take Your Practical Training Online Today Use Vasto’s Zoom class workflow to schedule, operate, assess and monitor your students. Use Multi Media uploads for anytime assessment of external activities or add webinars to your workflows....
Coronavirus & Isolated Course Delivery
The Corona Virus (COVID-19) may have highlighted the need to modify the delivery of your training.

WooHoo…Reporting’s Over !
WooHoo !!! RTO AVETMISS reporting is over for another year. Thank you to all our subscribers for your efforts in getting over the line. For non Vasto RTO’s, learn how we make reporting Absolutely Fabulous while we streamline your entire business. Happy New Year!...
New RTO’s Special Packages
Before you are registered and ready to commence delivery of training, Vasto offers special new start RTO pricing, offering significant discounts to the standard full access fees… Learn More
Sick Of Searching Emails?…Automated Messaging is here
Keeping It All In House Vasto’s messaging system means you’ll keep all your communications in 1 place, with logs to search at anytime. Reduce all that time lost searching emails between stakeholders across your training business. Use these great tools...
RTO’s Make More Profit With Vasto
Here’s 11 ways Australian RTO’s can GROW AND PROFIT with Vasto Educator, Australia’s only truly integrated LMS-SMS- TMS platform. Your RTO Management system should be about more than compliance. We often hear from RTO’s about a need to...
White Card Reporting Update
If you deliver White Card training (All states) you can add your white card students to all your custom reporting for easy separation and management in your RTO. Did you know Vasto has over 57 fields for you to generate ALL your own reports? Use custom report...
Juggling too many balls?
One of Vasto’s core design features is delegation. Administrators in the Vocational Training Arena are typically stretched in many directions with multi tasking an hourly task in itself! Ask us how Vasto delegates tasks to Students, Trainers, Assessors,...
Rate your RTO Performance
RTO’S that are leading the industry have best of breed systems for continuous improvement. Please use the following checklist to look at how your RTO measures up compared to the leading providers. Enter a score from 1-10 for each of the following categories...
Assess Elements & Performance Criteria In Prac Sessions
RTO Practical Assessment, Paper Free And Live An Outcome (Elements & Performance Criteria) is an assessable item, and are used in practical courses only. These items can be assessed by trainers of your choice, using the Trainer Portal. Elements are the essential...
Trainers Broadcast Messaging Update
Make sure your trainers keep in touch with students between prac sessions. Our updated broadcast tool for trainer messaging means trainers can select ALL or GROUPS of students to message (see pic). Want to remove all paper based assessments from Prac sessions? ...
Vasto’s One Path To Qualification
Question: What does the Vasto LMS do and why is it better? Answer: Vasto doesn’t have an LMS in the traditional sense of a piece of software that handles learning in one environment, then communicates results and information into a Student Management System. At...
Workflow Task Manager Is Here
Did someone forget to do something? Managing tasks using 3rd party applications can be cumbersome. With Vasto’s optional* Workflow Task Manager you can assign and manage date driven tasks to your courses for your: – Administrators – Trainers & Assessors –...
Could You Save Your Entire Year’s Subscription Fee?
Vasto Software just saved 1 medium sized RTO 300 hours per year with 1 change to their enrolment workflow. That’s more in savings then their total annual subscription fee! How?…by eliminating paper based and admin enrolment using web-integration and our...
F.A.Q’s Finally Arrive
Got a Question? If it’s frequently asked you may just find it here as there’s 84 answers. If you have a question we haven’t answered here or are a subscriber looking for answers, please email us at enquiries@vastosoftware.com.au...