Get The Most From Your Student Management Dashboard
Are you getting the most from your Dashboard? With Vasto’s dynamic Admin dashboard you’ll get a snapshot of your RTO activity fast. See alerts, Messages, Course popularity, Receipts $$$ and more with direct access to drill down fast into actions that need...
Flexible Migration Options
Flexible Migration Options to Vasto SMS-LMS. Due to record growth, we’ve become experts at migration. Ask our dedicated migration specialists about options including NAT only (No charge), register options and full custom data migration...
Student Tracking Just Got Easier
Vasto tracks activity down to the keystroke and your admins can see granular info fast to track progress and help students through tough questions/exams. This save time for admins and assessors by reducing emails and calls every day whilst keeping the students...
Custom Reports From 57 Fields
RTO Custom Reporting from Vasto SMS. 57 fields to create reports means you can use your SMS data to drive your business efficiencies and marketing. Email us for info: enquiries@vastosoftware.com.au
Website Integration Automated – No API’s needed
Integrate your SMS on your website automatically! No API’s needed, just utilise Vasto Software’s Web-Widgets functions to create dynamic tables and forms on your website in minutes. Select from timetables (to enrol), course profiles and enquiries. Learn...
Integrated LMS and SMS
Aussie RTO’s. Are you ready to manage all your LMS and SMS needs from one platform? Just imagine all your compliance, face to face, blended and elearning in 1 place. The time and financial savings could be amazing. Learn more about our integrated LMS here:...
Students Keep Losing Their Certs?
Are you sick and tired of your students requesting Certificate copies? Simple, allow your students to self manage their certificates with Vasto. Just go to Setup > Certificates to select options.
Upgrade to the new Era of Learning
Sick of old fashioned training and assessing methods? Choose Vasto, simple!
Assessor Tip
eLearning Assessors using Vasto can self manage how and when students are assessed. Remember to check in your assessor portal for open submissions so you can view and mark quickly. Sort using filters including Full Exam, Open or Lodged submissions.
Mix Up Your Media to keep students engaged
Remember to mix up the media and file types when building course material. Don’t replicate the old ‘death by powerpoint’ experiences of the 90’s in the new, interactive environment of the internet. Why not use Images, Audio, Video, Text,...
Practical Advice for Going from Face to Face to Online Teaching
Developing an online course based on an existing face-to-face course requires more than learning how to use the technology and loading the material into the learning management system because… Learn More HereConvert Web Enquiries Into Students
RTO Australia. You can add all your Website enquiries straight into your Student Management System to save data entry. This allows you to create an enrolment, reply to the enquiry and create student profiles. Contact Us for Information and Pricing for this Add-On....
Keeping Students Loyal to Your RTO
RTO Business Growth Tip. Create short online-only, self-assessed follow up courses / refreshers to your certified courses to keep your students engaged with your RTO after completing courses. Offer them for free or a small token fee. As it may be months or years...
Auto Web-Integration Saves time and Costs
RTO’s Australia. Save on enrolment time by using Web-Widgets to quickly display your timetables so students can enrol from your website. Add auto-payment options and set course numbers as well. No API’s or custom software...
Train Your Trainers
RTO Tip of The Day. Why not create a course in your Vasto LMS for your own trainers and assessors to keep up to date with your Administration and PD procedures?
Automate Your Income
RTO’s. Earn income automatically! With Auto Enrol, Pay, Elearning, Assessment and Certificate functions you can create short courses in the online world where you can fully automate your income. https://vastosoftware.com.au/features/lms-stand-alone/
3 Level RTO Branding Manager
RTO Multiple Branding. Do you deliver using multiple Brands? Do your corporate clients need custom branded certificates? Vasto brands at 3 levels across your own brands, your corporates and your training partners.
RTO’s, Mix and Match Your Question Types
Australian RTO’s. Mix and Match your auto and non-auto assessed questions. With Vasto LMS you can choose 5 question types and add as much support material as you need. Choose 3 types of auto-assessed and 2 assessor-required question types to speed up your...
Assessor Tip: Communication Rules For Students
Assessor Tip. Set your communication expectations early with students. Let them know before they commence if you’ll accept email, SMS, Phone or in-platform messaging and what hours you’re available to avoid dealing with student issues at all hours. In...
Transitioning To Vasto For AUS RTO’s
Transitioning to a New SMS / LMS can be daunting. See Vasto’s 4 step process to help the move....
10 Tips for RTO’s. Better Use of Video in Elearning
10 Tips for Videos in Elearning. Video can be excellent but also turn students off. Learn to get better results form video. https://elearningindustry.com/10-tips-to-effectively-use-videos-in-elearning Image: Artith chotitayangkoon/Shutterstock.com...
Flexible RTO Course Timetabling Options
Flexible Course Timetables. With Vasto Educator SMS your timetabling includes checks across your trainers and other courses to ensure there’s no cross overs. More at: https://vastosoftware.com.au/features/timetabling/
10 Elearning Problems For AUS RTO’s
The 10 Biggest Problems With Elearning. It’s not just content (See No 5). We see some material that excites and some puts you to sleep. Great tips here: https://learningexperts.com.au/the-10-biggest-problems-with-elearning-and-how-to-solve-them/