RTO’s, Mix and Match Your Question Types

RTO’s, Mix and Match Your Question Types

Australian RTO’s. Mix and Match your auto and non-auto assessed questions. With Vasto LMS you can choose 5 question types and add as much support material as you need. Choose 3 types of auto-assessed and 2 assessor-required question types to speed up your...
Assessor Tip: Communication Rules For Students

Assessor Tip: Communication Rules For Students

Assessor Tip. Set your communication expectations early with students. Let them know before they commence if you’ll accept email, SMS, Phone or in-platform messaging and what hours you’re available to avoid dealing with student issues at all hours. In...
Flexible RTO Course Timetabling Options

Flexible RTO Course Timetabling Options

Flexible Course Timetables. With Vasto Educator SMS your timetabling includes checks across your trainers and other courses to ensure there’s no cross overs. More at: https://vastosoftware.com.au/features/timetabling/
10 Elearning Problems For AUS RTO’s

10 Elearning Problems For AUS RTO’s

The 10 Biggest Problems With Elearning. It’s not just content (See No 5). We see some material that excites and some puts you to sleep. Great tips here: https://learningexperts.com.au/the-10-biggest-problems-with-elearning-and-how-to-solve-them/