
Buying ready made content can help you get started or add new courses quickly however there are a few tips which may help you decide what you need before you purchase. Content can be expensive so do your due diligence before you buy. Vasto software does not sell content.

  • Is the material suitable for online and blended delivery?
  • Is it ‘face to face’ material that needs a lot of work for online?
  • Do you have full control and ownership of the materials?
  • Is the supplier guaranteeing or suggesting it’s compliant?
  • Can you edit learner guides AND assessments?
  • Does it have assessment benchmarks?
  • Is it mapped and a good fit for your TAS?
  • Are you locked into a particular LMS for delivery?
  • If it’s in an external LMS, is the LMS LTI compliant?
  • How current is the material?
  • Does it comply with the current package rules?
  • If there’s SCORM content, is it setup correctly?

If you would like a content audit for online or blended delivery with cloud based LMS platforms please contact us for further information before you buy